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使用軍用式加密來保護您微信的訊息,避免給第三者閱讀。 請先安裝微信,才能使用微信加密 功能: 1) 當您跟對方同時安裝了微信加密,您們便可以使用軍用式的加密方法來傳送訊息。如沒有密碼,第三方是不能偷閱或截聽您們的對話。 2) 所有對話會被隱藏,就算電話遺失了,沒有密碼也是不能閱讀訊息的。 3) 軍用級 AES-256 bit 加密。 用法: 1) 先在微信加密輸入您的訊息,然後按“傳送” 2) 輸入一個只有您和收件人知道的密碼,然後按 OK 3) 微信會啟動,選擇您的收件人,加密了的訊息便會送出。 解密: 1)在微信按一下加密了的檔案,選擇 “Open with Other Apps, 然後選取 ” 在微信加密裡打開 “ 2)輸入密碼,訊息會被解密。 Enhance Your WeChat with military grade security! When both parties have installed WeChat Safe, you can send message to each other with military grade encryption! Usage: 1) Simply enter your message in WeChat Safe 2) press Send and enter a password where only both of you will know 3) Press OK, WeChat will launch and simply select the person you want to send to 4) The other party will receive the encrypted file, he can simply press on it, use Open With... WeChat Safe, enter the password, and message will be decrypted! All messages are hidden, so even if you lose your phone, without the password, no one can view your dialogues! Disclaimer: This App requires data. By downloading and continue to use this application, the user therefore agrees that the author of this application is not responsible for any liability whatsoever arising by using this app, or from any inaccurate or incomplete information, or for any information offered and any consequences caused by the informations that was transferred by WeChat Safe.