Reddit Official App: Trending News and Hot Topics

Reddit Official App: Trending News and Hot Topics


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Get the official Reddit app to discover all the top trending topics, breaking news, viral videos, funny jokes and hot memes. The freshest content on the internet brought to you in one app, with infinite scroll, autoplay GIFs, and the fastest-loading interface of any Reddit app. .-= Thousands of Communities =-. Looking for news? Check out r/news! Need some funny jokes? Head on to /r/Jokes/ and pack a spare pair of dry pants. Or maybe you’re passionate about cats being scared by cucumbers. We are too, at r/CucumbersScaringCats! There’s a subreddit for anyone (and everyone) to share, vote and discuss just every topic imaginably. .-= Your Personal Content Democracy =-. You can post it, you can share it, and you decide what is hot or not by upvoting and downvoting content. Get the socially curated, constantly updated feed of the news, fun stories, pics, and videos that interest YOU. Or what interests millions of other users on r/popular. Unlike other social networks, on Reddit you can be yourself with your Reddit profile and persona, disconnected from your real-world identity. So your mom won’t know you’re into /r/knitting. .-= Un-bore Yourself =-. Tired of mildly interesting content and monotonous updates on social media feeds? Find the stories and conversations that matter to you. From entertainment news and politics to fun DIY projects and cats (lots of cats) - create your own feed of subreddit subscriptions to never be bored again.



• Better support for Gfycat gifs • New custom font used throughout the app • Better support for reporting bad ads • Favorite subreddits are now stored on the server, so you won't lose them if you uninstall or change phones • Some improvements to deep linֶ䷬痬ἔ痭㨘痫缑痰畺だ൧ְŮ൧Ā�痲峏痮Ѐʠ༇崿扁ࡲ༈ᓧ扁ʠ༇嗥扆廄扁༇ࡾ༈崿扁ࡲ༈ᓧ扁ࡾ༈ꛜ扂ࡲ༈챰扇뛚༇嶪扁˸扈ᕄ扁ࡾ༈˸扈秐扁뛚༇秚扁秩扁ﱔꭸ痶ְŮ ְŮ慌番ū㳀൧䕋痮隼畺㳀൧ְŮ 㳀൧Ā�痲㳀൧€ﱔ㳄൧€쵷痯㳄൧ꊠм㳄൧쪴痯㳄൧뜎༇﫬Itemं༈Countﱬffl㳴൧鐜Ҏ㳄൧Ҏ噪痯鐠Ҏ㸊䇞먲扂༇ं༈�扇ࡲ༈Ҏ謁ﱔ랖扂҄ﱜﭬz�扇ࡲ༈삲Wं༈ᨼĊ醙ﱜ﫴


  • 文件大小 : 34.9 MB
  • 当前版本 : 3.7.0
  • 更新时间 :
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