Simple Manual

Simple Manual

厂商: Jose Eduardo Arredondo

18594 人浏览 0 人参与讨论


Simple Manuals features tutorials, books and reference manuals for several popular web development frameworks like Bootstrap and Jquery Mobile, SDKs and Tools for creating apps and all the reference tools in a convenient portable format for your iPhone or iPad, if need a simple way to get started in a new way to create better apps, web and more this library is your source of books. We will launch several books and manual in the coming books all for a single payment and keep all your books forever. Please support our small project by buying all our books and keep on touch for all future peleases. Simple Manuals contiene y contendrá cientos de tutoriales para usar las herramientas mas populares de web, de multimedia y de creación de HTML5, tales como Bootstrap y Jquery Mobile. Usando nuestro método de enseñanza exclusivo paso a paso, operaciones complejas resultan realmente simples. Por un pago unico tendran acceso a todos los tutoriales que seran publicados en esta App y pronto tendremos más al alcance de su mano.



  • 文件大小 : 4.4 MB
  • 当前版本 : 1
  • 更新时间 :
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