Hurricane Pro

Hurricane Pro

厂商: Kitty Code

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Hurricane Pro: The best Hurricane tracker app for the iPhone and iPod Touch! As the first hurricane tracker to be released back in 2008, Hurricane Pro has been keeping people like you safe for over 9 years. Continuously updated with interactive features and detail; no other hurricane tracking app comes close to the information provided inside Hurricane Pro! Reviewed by CNN as having the best features of the Hurricane Tracker apps available for iPhone GOOGLE: cnn top hurricane app to read the article! • Featured by: CNN Tech • TUAW • MacWorld • The Huffington Post • ZDNet • The New York Times • • TWC's Stephanie Abrams: The only app I use for 'canes...y'all have a great user friendly and lots of great satellites/discussions/history/etc!!! Thanks for making it!:) -SA • Chief Meteorologist Brad Panovich from WCNC: I don't always recommend apps, but when I do, I recommend @HurricaneHD for tropical tracking... • Depended on and recommended by emergency managers and first responders • Featured in iTunes Rewind two years running • Video Updates • Extremely detailed video updates provided by an exclusive partnership with the experts at gets in front of the storm and broadcasts back video and information from the front lines. They also provide our weekly video outlook. • Twitter Feed • All the latest news and updates through Twitter integration. Full detail tracking map, not just a web page like other apps. Includes forecast cone, wind radius and extremely FAST PUSH notifications to keep you informed. Hurricane has all the detailed information you need. The clear leader in Hurricane Tracking on iOS devices and the one and only app you need to stay up to date. • Over 50 animated SATELLITE images and NOAA RADAR • Bulletins constantly updated from the National Hurricane Center • Detailed interactive tracking map • Detailed tropical wave/invest information • Video updates both before, during and after the storm • Push Notifications • Share information with friends/family via email, SMS, Facebook & Twitter • Historic storm data - Atlantic back to 1851 » East & Central Pacific back to 1949 • Model runs including: • Wind Shear • Vorticity - 4 models • Environmental Steering - 6 models • Convergence • Divergence • Link to the FSU model runs. • Preparedness Tips, Storm FAQs and MUCH More! Informacion en Español para el Atlantico Norte, el Mar Caribe y el Golfo de Mexico... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • La perspectiva de actividad ciclonica, advertencias, y una explicacion del pronostico praparada para usted, cortesia de la oficina meteorologica de San Juan Puerto Rico. This application is great for: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • anyone interested in severe weather or meteorology and studying tropical system history • learning more about historical hurricanes like Camille, Hugo, Andrew, Katrina and Sandy, just to name a few. Love Hurricane Pro™? Get Hurricane HD™ for your iPad today! IMPORTANT: - - - - - - - ⓘ All official hurricane data originates from the NHC. Hurricane reports the data as it becomes available, however is not guaranteed. ALWAYS execute personal responsibility - watch local media outlets when threatened by a storm! ⓘ Internet Connection required to receive new plots and view new satellite pages and text bulletins. ⓘ We cannot guarantee that our product is the right one for you, as no single application is perfect for everyone. Our goal however, is to create the best, most informative hurricane tracking application possible.



By popular demand, updated the Wind Radii to make them much more transparent, enabling you to see the map through the color much easier. Other minor adjustments. Age 17+ ONLY due to YouTube hosting our Educational videos (ironic we know).


  • 文件大小 : 27.7 MB
  • 当前版本 : 5.5
  • 更新时间 :
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