Wind Meter

Wind Meter

厂商: GoingApps LLC

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The Original Wind Meter ******* Wind Meter 5.0 - Supports iPhone 4 and 5, iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS8. Note: You must grant access to your microphone under Settings > Privacy for the application to work properly. ****** A TOP 20 PAID WEATHER APPLICATION FOR 24 MONTHS STRAIGHT****** THE ORIGINAL WIND METER APP DESIGNED TO MEASURE WIND SPEED DIRECTLY ON YOUR PHONE No CELL TOWER or signal is necessary! Wind Meter works by measuring the volume of wind flowing over your iPhone microphone and converting it into an effective wind speed reading in REAL TIME at your location! As quoted by: KITELIFE MAGAZINE - In our own field tests here at KITELIFE, we found that in a relatively consistent wind speed of 3-28 mph, the Wind Meter app was surprisingly accurate. As quoted by: BLUE WATER SAILING MAGAZINE - We were really jazzed to see this new wind speed app for the iPhone and downloaded it right away. It is really cool and will be appreciated by sailors everywhere. As quoted by: PANBO MARINE ELECTRONICS - Would you believe it? -- it actually works. I was out testing and photographing the NMEA 2000 wind rig early this morning and thus could compare Wind Meter to a consensus of five high quality sensors mounted just a few feet over my head. Ben Ellison - PANBO MARINE ELECTRONICS As quoted by: ROBERT JOHNSON MEN'S MID-d & DISTANCE COACH, CORNELL UNIVERSITY CO-FOUNDER, LETSRUN.COM - As a Division 1 Track Coach and operator of, I was stunned to learn that the iphone could measure wind speed. This app works as advertised and is a lot of fun to take to a track meet. Robert Johnson - CORNELL UNIVERSITY OTHER REAL WORLD USERS: “Was at Seaside on the weekend and a guy had the app. We put it up next to a wind meter and was only off from the wind meter by 1 mph--pretty impressed.” Reference: “Works real good; pretty accurate side by side with other handheld meters. seems to have better averaging [as compared with skywatch]” Reference: First Test Proved it For Me, Very clever app! By chance it's blowing tonight, so I went up to our flat roof and stood a few feet below our Davis instruments anemometer. The Davis recorded a max gust of about 26 mph while the max I recorded with the Wind Meter was 23 mph. Had I climbed a ladder, I expect the readings would have been even closer. OPERATOR'S MANUAL: When you open the Wind Meter APP the screen will rotate so that the microphone end of the phone will now be on top. To obtain the best wind speed readings, simply hold the iphone upright and straight out to your side with the screen facing you, letting the wind slip over the top of the phone, and push Get Wind! Wait at least 5-10 seconds and then push Got Wind! The final reading is the average for the period. The Wind Meter estimates wind speeds from 4-28 mph. We recommend that you test the Wind Meter for your particular iPhone or type of use, using only natural wind and a commercial grade anemometer for comparisons. While the default calibration is appropriate for many phones, if your iOS device appears to over or under measure, you can easily calibrate your phone's Wind Meter Application by pushing the Calibrate button. Due to the necessary installation of a noise dampener, the Wind Meter is most effective in consistent winds. For the same reason, it begins to effectively estimate wind speeds that are above 5mph. Additionally, Wind Meter cannot measure wind speeds over 28mph (hurricane strength winds) since this equates to the max decibel level an iPhone can detect. This application is not intended to replace commercial grade anemometers or scientific instrumentation. Wind Meter supports multiple units of measure including Miles Per Hour, Knots, Kilometers Per Hour, Beaufort, Feet Per Second, and Meters Per Second.



With this release, the Wind Meter has been updated with new graphics and addresses minor issues introduced by iOS7.


  • 文件大小 : 5.2 MB
  • 当前版本 : 5
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