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The best selling news apps in Italy, Germany, Spain, Canada, UK is now available in Singapore! - Singapore Newspapers: The New Paper, Asia One, Channel NewsAsia, My Paper 我报, Singapore Reporter, Singapore Star, Lianhe Zaobao, The Straits Times, 逗号网 | ZB Comma Online, The Business Times, Today, The Sunday Times, Tamil Murasu - Top 100 TECHNORATI ranking blogs in the world: The HuffingtonPost, GizModo, Mashable, Techcrunch, Engadget, Gawker, Boing Boing, The Daily Beast, Hot Air Top Picks, Read Write Web, Kotaku, Boy Genius Report, The Daily Dish, Think Progress, Life Hacker, Jezebel, Ezra Klein, Mediaite, CNNPolitical Tickers, Politics Daily, Deadline, RedState, etc.... Some characteristics: + Excellent graphics + Large selection of newspapers + Read each newspaper by sections: World, Local, Politics, Sport, Business, Technology, Science, Health, Arts, Travel, etc… + Slide to the left or right to view articles + One tap to share your article to Facebook, Twitter, Instapaper, Read It Later, GoogleReader, Pinboard, Tumblr, Delicious. Or you can copy, email, open the article in Safari. + In-app browser to view the original article + Automatically sync newspapers at launch (can be configured using the Settings.app) + One tap to sync all the newspapers/blogs to your iPhone/iPod Touch. You can read all the newspapers' articles without having internet connection + Ability to reorder your newspapers/sections + VoiceOver accessibility support for vision-impaired users Some reviews from our users for our apps so far: + Great selection of news sources and easy to access to the stories that interest me. Simple UI design, everything is a thumb tap away + Best news app out there! + Fixes for news junkies + The most comprehensive news application ever on the AppStore ... Read more in our blog post about what's new and how to use the new features: http://sunflowerapps.com. We love to hear your thoughts, don't hesitate to send us a message: support @ sunflowerapps . com or you can simply write a review on the AppStore. Follow us on Twitter: @sunflowerapps FAQ: http://sunflowerapps.com/FAQ