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倾听泰戈尔是一个收录印度诗哲泰戈尔经典作品的电子书架,收入《园丁集》、《吉檀迦利》、《飞鸟集》、《新月集》、《采果集》、《流萤集》共六部诗集。 诗文为中英对照,中译文出自郑振铎、冰心等名家之手,语言优美,清新隽永。 所有诗篇都有配乐朗诵的音频,为读者奉献独特的听读体验。 The poems of Rabindranath Tagore are among the most haunting and tender in Indian and world literature, expressing a profound and passionate human yearning. This e-reader collects 6 books of Tagore’s poems, including The Crescent Moon, Fireflies, Fruit-Gathering, Stray Birds, The Gardeners, and Gitanjali. All those poems are presented in both English and Chinese, accompanied by audio clips recorded by native speakers. 获得更多精彩内容,请搜索并关注我们的官方微博和微信:外研社移动学习。