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App Descripton: The very popular Morning Rain - An absolutely gorgeous, simple, highly accurate and reliable weather app, that has topped the weather categories in 28 countries! Features Include: • Current weather conditions and forecasts and local time for your current location and/or any other locations all over the world. • Extremely accurate weather forecasts powered by the Weather Underground API. • Swipe up to reveal 36-hour weather forecast! • Percentage of Humidity. This is reflected in the hourly forecast to the left of the temperature. • Alerts to warn you about severe weather in your current area. • The option to switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius. • 5-day forecast including high/low temperatures. • Easy navigation between locations. Swipe either to the right or left to switch between locations. To delete a location the settings panel, swipe from right to left on the location itself! • Extraordinarily beautiful backgrounds. • An intuitive interface featuring slick, subtle animations. Connect: http://www.morningrainapp.com twitter.com/morningrainapp Special design credit to Adam Whitcroft for the awesome Climacons.