TouchDown Mail

TouchDown Mail

厂商: NitroDesk, Inc.

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NOTE: TouchDown requires your Exchange Server to support ActiveSync protocol. Before purchasing, please confirm with your IT that ActiveSync is enabled for you. Just because TouchDown for other platforms is able to connect may not mean that this version will connect to your server. NEW! TouchDown now supports iOS7 battery optimized background fetch to keep content up to date even when application is not running in foreground. With more than a million users, TouchDown is the leading Microsoft® ActiveSync email solution for securing corporate email on mobile devices. This cost-effective solution provides a highly secure container for all corporate data so administrators can successfully separate and partition corporate data from personal, ensuring their bring your own device (BYOD) programs are not only flexible, but also secure. TouchDown provides comprehensive support for Exchange®, Information Rights Management (IRM) and Data Loss Protection policies. Using AES-256 encryption, TouchDown adds an extra layer of security, while also providing more than 80% of Outlook® functionality. While TouchDown is a robust stand-alone solution, it also provides seamless integration with all of the leading Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions. SECURITY: -Data at Rest encryption -Remote wipe/kill -AES-256 encryption -S/MIME -IRM support with Exchange 2010(SP2) -PIN Policy at application level -Enterprise Configuration Extensions -Separation of personal data and corporate data EMAIL: -Edit signature line with HTML support -BCC Self -Move and sync folders -Download attachments -Enable HTML -Access the Global Address List -Flag for follow up -Assign Categories NOTIFICATIONS: -Badge on new email -Background fetch email CALENDAR: -Edit, Update and Delete appointments -Accept, decline and create meetings -Assign categories -Agenda, Day, Week and Month views -Customizable work week -Support for Zooming CONTACTS: -One-way export to device phonebook -Call or email from contact list -Create, Edit and Delete contacts -Edit multiple fields -Add photo -Assign categories TASKS: -Create, Edit and Delete tasks -Assign categories -Sync multiple folders NOTES: -Create, Edit and Delete notes -Assign categories -Sync multiple folders Where to find NitroDesk, Inc: -Online: -Facebook: -Twitter: @nitrodesk For support and feature requests, please email: Thanks for all the comments, we follow them closely to bring you better updates.



End of Life Notice Dear Valued Symantec Customer: Symantec Corporation hereby informs you that we will be discontinuing the availability of Touchdown by Symantec. This notice details the key dates that may be of importance to you. Current ProductReplacemeֶ䷬痬ἔ痭㨘痫缑痰畺㳀൧ְŮ൧Ā�痲峏痮Ѐʠ༇崿扁ࡲ༈ᓧ扁ʠ༇嗥扆廄扁༇ࡾ༈崿扁ࡲ༈ᓧ扁ࡾ༈ꛜ扂ࡲ༈챰扇뛚༇嶪扁˸扈ᕄ扁ࡾ༈˸扈秐扁뛚༇秚扁秩扁ﱔꭸ痶ְŮ ְŮ慌番ū㷈൧䕋痮隼畺㷈൧ְŮ 㷈൧Ā�痲㷈൧€ﱔ㷌൧€쵷痯㷌൧ꊠм㷌൧쪴痯㷌൧뜎༇﫬Itemं༈Countﱬffl㷼൧鐜Ҏ㷌൧Ҏ噪痯鐠Ҏ㸊䇞먲扂༇ं༈�扇ࡲ༈Ҏ謁ﱔ랖扂᪾ﱜﭬz�扇ࡲ༈삲Wं༈ᨼĊ醙ﱜ﫴섈Wﬔﱈ섫Wﬔﱜﭬz섪W섲WﱴﭔztЉ䱼мᦡ痫Eo㳤൧鏄Ҏ㳄൧噪痯鏈Ҏ똎༇ﱄ﷜ﱴﲔ敌扁똎༇鏈Ҏiﱄ﷜ﱴ斚扁﷜똎༇�扇땾༇᥎扄똎༇i簲ﺢ痯簦ﺢ痯Љ䕄м￿￿痯Љ䔸м嶸൵竗嶸൵痯W竗賓器痯뜎༇痯瑉浥痯뜎༇痯潃湵tֶ￿￿ߐֶ炄媧븁 ƀᣗ疐媧븁﵈൴ˡ￿￿￿￿鎘ˣ钠ˣ釲溑㞨ˣ㞨ˣ金溑䷍眥箔⫶￾￿쥧眡젞眡钨ˣ㞨ˣ㞨ˣ纊ﺢ纂ﺢ痯Љ䲈м￿￿痯Љ䱼м嶸൵觴嶸൵痯t觴﯈ﮜ痯ﱨ똎༇痯潅f伀溒亘溒¤溕仓溒亩溒쨨ˣ䨼溒幠൬酵溑"醡溑䧡溒幠൬￿￿￿￿㯔爊፮璬㨳爊⟨}峨൬䙣璬冒爒⟨}峨൬鰏爉媧븁⟨}㽎㨁Ĺ礎ﺺݾထ礞ﺺݾထ骽爉峨൬駯爉賂⟨}䔙ﺧ拺璫⟨}駯爉ꯍ�駯爉龜襤窞ﺺݾထ殺涑璫窮ﺺݾထŵࠀp￿￿ŵࠀŵࠀ﫜똎༇㢓疀ᑤ扈ŵ฀勤㢆疀捻ธं༈﫨㢓疀ﯤ扇ŵ￿﫜￿￿﫦￿￿ﮠﯤ扇￿￿ﯮ扇￿￿õቌ痭玼ﺢ臭漍痬ŵࠀ﫜￿￿ﯤ扇￿￿愈ベ痫:﫜￿￿ﯤ扇￿￿ቌ痭﬘뛿扂ࠄ﫜￿￿ﯤ扇뜓扂ﭵz�扇ࡲ༈숲Wאּࠄ쉇WValu﫜שּׁं༈ﱜ﫜﫨ﰰ쌀Wﱜﲈ ﳸ輜ॗ.鲜ॗﮀ狊ﺢﮀ뛥@﷩ﮠ䗧@ﭸ蔲@輐ॗﱰ﯌뫩@ﮰ뮂@뮊@ﱰ﷩醖@ʔ༇ʠ༇嵭扁޶༈ᔇ扁ʠ༇ﯠ廼扁ʔ༇ ߂༈嵥扁ࡆ༈ᙧ扁߂༈ﯸ ࡾ༈嵭扁ं༈ᙧ扁ࡾ༈ﰔㄫ痳ं༈ﱔﰨ덳痱ﱔ ﱔﱬं༈ﱴ靰Bﱜﳸﭬzﲈﲈ韈Bﱴジ˶㼸̄༈ﱔ︜ﱜz︜z︄ﳸﭬzﲔz︜ﲠz︜︸ﬠz︜ジ˶횐z A,뜎༇ 뜎༇ं༈ fC뜎༇︜C뜎༇$ ༇ ༇﷜￿ ￿ 蕐ࣥﺄﺈ⼐ࣳĂ༈︜˵ﺐ�|ﹸﺄ﹄�|ﺐﺘ�|ﺐﺰഛ頌೓ࣳℇS䰰˹쬐˸⼐ࣳ暬೎ﻨ⭃Eﺤ⭢Eﻨﺰ⮡Eﻨﺼ⯿EﻨﻰⰞEﻨ✐࣯﹠˵ﺀഛﻰĘ8郯Td鄝T8嫠˽Ā嫠˽ャ苬Tʘó㧀ȮȑČ蘊Tp蘔Tャク虍TャČ嫠˽ネఓĊ绽ᅣ杸@ネヤ㐽疀绽ᅯ頂眡绽䫀巎绽籿眅ᅠ￿￿䷍眥獔⫶↓韕眡ੀĊ绽ੀĊ绽捁硴 ㌌Ü 4żᨦʘDˠɠ熺ՀJ֌̞䥛ⵙࢬ2࣠̀㋎௠Bత̶忈㡐ཛྷ^ྼͨՄ넨ጤV፼Θ ìżᗐᝌޠỬຌ⵸̔れ˜ㄤÌㇰð ㋠( ㌈獓摈,Œᖘ,^^$8C:\Windows\WinSxs\ᨦĜDŤɠ熺τJА̞䥛ⵙܰ2ݤ̀㋎੤Bન̶忈㡐෠^เͨՄ넨ᆨVሀΘMicrosoft.Windows.SystemCompatiblelČǐ,˜ﮧꅌФNJ¸̊Microsoft.Windows.SystemCompatible,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version="6.0.7600.16385"System DefaultĄѼúր�䦏ЦNJ°ټMicrosoft.Windows.IsolationAutomation,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version=""C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\úߐð࣊덫㍔⦗Ǖ¦়Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df",type="win32",version="1.1.7601.24467"C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\


  • 文件大小 : 55.8 MB
  • 当前版本 : 8.0.7
  • 更新时间 :
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