Las Vegas!

Las Vegas!

厂商: Ravensburger Digital GmbH

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Las Vegas is based on the SPIEL DES JAHRES 2012 nominated board game from the company Alea, known for publishing gripping card and board games such as Puerto Rico and San Juan. Las Vegas combines simple gameplay with challenging strategy for a motivating, addictive gaming experience. Once you have started a game, you’ll want to play second round, then another… and another. The digital version of the game has been given a new look, and sets the player in the middle of the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas. The clatter of slot machines and jazzy tunes provide a typical casino atmosphere. - A dynamic adaptation of the SPIEL DES JAHRES 2012 nominated board game “Las Vegas”. - Start playing straight away and learn the rules with the tutorial as you play. - Play in multiplayer mode with up to 4 players. You can play with human opponents or against the computer. - Computer-controlled players with different skill levels and characteristics when playing a local game. - Asynchronous multiplayer mode: play with friends around the world with up to four players. - A variant of the original game included, offering additional gameplay, new strategies and even more variety. - Stay motivated with worldwide Leaderboards and challenging Achievements. - Online game betting feature offers additional suspense in the race to score points. - State-of-the-art 3D graphics in a neon glitter setting typical of Las Vegas. - Universal app: works on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Feel free to check out Ravensburger’s other games, including Scotland Yard, THE aMAZEing Labyrinth, San Juan and Puerto Rico, along with many, many others. Become a fan of Ravensburger Digital on Facebook and find out more about our new apps, exclusive competitions and behind the scenes information about the development of our apps:



Many thanks for your feedback and positive reviews! With this update we address the following, known issues: - Bug fixed that prevented buttons in the title screen from working. - Bug fixed with the 'back' button not working in a local game. - Bug fixed Ѽ䷬痬ἔ痭㨘痫缑痰畺쫨ෑӘŪෑĀ�痲峏痮Ѐ缐វ崿榾蓦ឝᓧ榾缐វ嗥槃廄榾怞ឝ蓲ឝ崿榾蓦ឝᓧ榾蓲ឝꛜ榿蓦ឝ챰槄㍎ឝ嶪榾˸槅ᕄ榾蓲ឝ˸槅秐榾㍎ឝ秚榾秩榾ﱔꭸ痶ӘŪ ӘŪ慌番ŧ쟐ෑ䕋痮隼畺쟐ෑӘŪ 쟐ෑĀ�痲쟐ෑ€ﱔ쟔ෑ€쵷痯쟔ෑꊠЍ쟔ෑ쪴痯쟔ෑ㎂ឝ﫬Item蕶ឝCountﱬffl전ෑ㼄෍쟔ෑ෍噪痯㼈෍勍䒷먲榿怞ឝ蕶ឝ�槄蓦ឝ෍謁ﱔ랖榿ۚﱜﭬz�槄蓦ឝ삲W蕶ឝᨼĊ醙ﱜ﫴섈Wﬔﱈ섫Wﬔﱜﭬz섪W섲WﱴﭔztЉ䱼Ѝᦡ痫Eo쬌ෑ㺬෍쫬ෑ噪痯㺰෍㊂ឝﱄ﷜ﱴﲔ敌榾㊂ឝ㺰෍iﱄ﷜ﱴ斚榾﷜㊂ឝ�槄ㇲឝ᥎槁㊂ឝi뱫峂痯뱿峂痯Љ䕄Ѝ￿￿痯Љ䔸Ѝ湠෤竗湠෤痯W竗賓器痯㎂ឝ痯瑉浥痯㎂ឝ痯潃湵tѼ￿￿ߐѼ採椐圡 ƀᣗ疐圡桐෨˳￿￿￿￿댘˵덀˵釲溑㪐˵㪐˵金溑䷍眥䯐ჱ￾￿쥧


  • 文件大小 : 71.5 MB
  • 当前版本 : 1.2
  • 更新时间 :
  • 厂商:



