僵尸游戏 - 无尽的僵尸横行! ( The Zombie Games - An Endless Zombie Rampage! )

僵尸游戏 - 无尽的僵尸横行! ( The Zombie Games - An Endless Zombie Rampage! )

厂商: Games Apps Fun LLC

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欢迎来到僵尸游戏! 点击僵尸迅速,迅速地屠杀他们,才可以把你的僵尸启示生存群体的生活!这些僵尸得到的饥饿,更快,他们走向他们的猎物!一个吸毒,性凉,僵尸杀人游戏!得到更好的发挥,去为得分最高的对抗僵尸游戏世界各地的玩家在游戏中心! 僵尸游戏的故事: 僵尸启示录已经持续一段时间了。人类在对步行生存的斗争已经减少了,重新加进死了。随着人类的秋天来了社会的秋天。命名Staniel的疯狂和邪恶的领导人上台,捕捉流浪群体的生存,并迫使他们进入僵尸游戏为自己的娱乐和他疯狂的朋友。日常食物中运行你的生存小组已被抓获Staniel的力量。从组中最好的射手已被选定为在这个夜晚从活死人捍卫你生存组。 事实证明,存活组中最好的僵尸射手就是你!现在,你必须杀死吸引到你的生存群体的温暖的身体和大脑的9成员被困在甜蜜的生活气味饥饿僵尸的牛群。点击迅速对这些活死人怪物取下来他们到达前,吞噬所有的朋友! ----------------------------------------------------------------- + This Edition Contains NO ADS! + Frantic zombie slaughtering action as the zombies get faster and faster! + Tap to shoot gameplay! + Compete with friends & the entire world on Game Center and Twitter to see who has the highest Zombie Slaughter Score! Welcome to the Zombie Games! Tap the zombies quickly and rapidly to slaughter them before they can take the lives of your zombie apocalypse survival group! The hungrier these zombies get, the faster they move towards their prey! An addicting, cool, zombie killing game! Get better as play, and go for the highest score against Zombie Games players around the world on Game Center! The Zombie Games Story: The Zombie Apocalypse has been going on for some time now. Humanity has dwindled in the fight for survival against the walking, reanimated dead. With the fall of humanity came the fall of society. An insane and evil leader named Staniel has come into power, capturing wandering survival groups and forcing them into the Zombie Games for the entertainment of himself and his deranged friends. Your survival group has been captured by Staniel’s forces during a routine food run. The best shooter from the group has been selected to defend your survival group from the living dead on this night. As it turns out, the best zombie shooter in the survival group is you! Now you must kill a herd of hungry zombies attracted to the sweet living smell of 9 trapped members of your survival group’s warm bodies and brains. Tap rapidly on these living dead monsters to take them down before they reach and devour all of your friends!



UI Improvements and 64 bit support


  • 文件大小 : 34.7 MB
  • 当前版本 : 1.3
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