Let's TAP : Rhythm Tap

Let's TAP : Rhythm Tap

厂商: PROPE Ltd

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Special price for a limited time! Get Let's TAP : Rhythm Tap for only USD $0.99 - that's 75% off the original price! ********************************************************* World's first! You don't even have to hold your iPhone/iPod touch to play the game! New style rhythm game, simply keep up with the tempo Tap with timing as if you are playing some percussion Aim for higher score, utilizing strong and weak taps is the key! Total of 20 fine tunes available, they are all pre-installed. ********************************************************* Three super-instinctive control styles! You can choose from the original Tap style which you can play the game without even touching your iPhone/iPod touch, or Free style which you can tap any part of your device, or standard Touch style which you tap the screen. ********************************************************* World's first! Even penguins can play this game! Put your iPhone/iPod touch on a table or a box, then simply tap the surface! No more button-mash or complex commands, all you need is TAP! Control is so simple this game is for everyone, or every penguin! Everybody Let's TAP! ********************************************************* Original soundtrack Let's TAP Digital Sounds - LP is available on iTunes Store! Let's TAP Digital Sounds - LP includes tunes from Let's TAP, created by popular videogame sound creators Go check it out!



Minor bug fixes.


  • 文件大小 : 51.5 MB
  • 当前版本 : 1.0.2
  • 更新时间 :
  • 厂商:



