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地理地图测验第1部分 is the Chinese localization of Geography Map Quiz Part1 game. This is is the first part of a geographical quiz which invites you to test your knowledge of countries, capitals and cities around the world. It may be used for testing and educational purposes for people well-informed about the map of the world. Game consists of 90 illustrated questions containing a fragment of geographical map. Questions are the following: - What country is this? - What city is this? - What capital is this? Each question has 4 possible answers. When you tap one of the answers, the default color of the pressed button is changed for a while to green (when it was the right answer) or to red (wrong answer). You have 3 attempts to give right answer. If you give it at the first attempt you will receive 3 points, at the second attempt - 2 points, at the third - 1 point. After 2 wrong answers to current question a hint will be shown to help you to give a right answer. Play the Geography Map Quiz now and find out how well you know your world!