Blackbox - think outside the box

Blackbox - think outside the box

厂商: Ryan McLeod

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Blackbox is one of iOS's #1 puzzle games but don't take my word for it when you can read from over 80,000 five-star reviews worldwide. Rather read this? I get it. Here are some nice things people have said about Blackbox: ▶ “Unlike anything you’ve ever played before” —App Advice ▶ Constant how-did-they-do-that moments —Skottk ▶ Utterly diabolical and utterly brilliant —CNET ▶ “Undeniably unique” —Todays iPhone ▶ “Devilishly clever” —Six Colors Explore 72 unique puzzles (MORE COMING) without touch… Tilt, shout, click, snap, wait, reflect, and hike your way to success; expand your creative thinking; ponder colorful visual clues; discover secrets along the way… -==============================- BEAUTIFULLY CLEVER With ample satisfying ah hah! moments and puzzles as artful and clever as they are challenging, Blackbox is as delightful to play as it is to look at and hold. SATISFYINGLY SURPRISING Frustrating, fun, and full of surprises… There’s more to Blackbox than meets the eye. Can you find all the meta challenges? HINTS Every challenge has been tuned to be on the cusp of maddening but always solvable. Some challenges take time, perseverance, and perspective to understand, but if you’re really stumped rest assured there are hints. To enjoy the game to it’s fullest, only use them as a last resort! LEVEL PACKS Blackbox is jam-packed with 50 free challenges. Get far enough and you'll get the option to pay to unlock more advanced challenges and support the game's future development (and keep it ad free)! Good luck, ~Ryan -==============================- More challenges are in the works! ADD ME ON INSTAGRAM LET'S BE FACEBOOK FRIENDS FOLLOW THE LATEST ON TWITTER



Version 1.3.17 =================================== ▶ Fixes a one-time crash affecting some players at start-up ▶ Calibrates the microphone better ▶ Fixes a crash that could happen when a phone call came in and was rejected ▶ Fixes an odd Voice Over relateѼ䷬痬ἔ痭㨘痫缑痰畺෶ӘŪ෶Ā�痲峏痮Ѐ缐វ崿榾蓦ឝᓧ榾缐វ嗥槃廄榾怞ឝ蓲ឝ崿榾蓦ឝᓧ榾蓲ឝꛜ榿蓦ឝ챰槄㍎ឝ嶪榾˸槅ᕄ榾蓲ឝ˸槅秐榾㍎ឝ秚榾秩榾ﱔꭸ痶ӘŪ ӘŪ慌番ŧ쟐ෑ䕋痮隼畺쟐ෑӘŪ 쟐ෑĀ�痲쟐ෑ€ﱔ쟔ෑ€쵷痯쟔ෑꊠЍ쟔ෑ쪴痯쟔ෑ㎂ឝ﫬Item蕶ឝCountﱬffl전ෑ㼄෍쟔ෑ෍噪痯㼈෍勍䒷먲榿怞ឝ蕶ឝ�槄蓦ឝ෍謁ﱔ랖榿౦ﱜﭬz�槄蓦ឝ삲W蕶ឝᨼĊ醙ﱜ﫴섈Wﬔﱈ섫Wﬔﱜﭬz섪W섲WﱴﭔztЉ䱼Ѝᦡ痫Eo෶㺬෍෶噪痯㺰෍㊂ឝﱄ﷜ﱴﲔ敌榾㊂ឝ㺰෍iﱄ﷜ﱴ斚榾﷜㊂ឝ�槄ㇲឝ᥎槁㊂ឝi뱫峂痯뱿峂痯Љ䕄Ѝ￿￿痯Љ䔸Ѝ湠෤竗湠෤痯W竗賓器痯㎂ឝ痯瑉浥痯㎂ឝ痯潃湵tѼ￿￿ߐѼ採椐圡⤁ ƀᣗ疐圡⤁桐෨˳￿￿￿￿뇈˵댐˵釲溑㪐˵㪐˵金溑䷍眥䯐ჱ￾￿쥧眡젞眡댘˵㪐˵㪐˵뻓峂뻛峂痯Љ䲈Ѝ￿￿痯Љ䱼Ѝ湠෤觴湠෤痯t觴﯈ﮜ痯ﱨ㊂ឝ痯潅f伀溒亘溒¤溕仓溒亩溒ꌠ˵䨼溒甸༂酵溑"醡溑䧡溒甸༂￿￿￿￿㯔爊፮璬㨳爊┼M珀༂䙣璬冒爒┼M珀༂鰏爉圡⤁┼M㕧퐁Ĺᓡ峏ݾထᓱ峏ݾထ骽爉珀༂駯爉賂┼M窥峃拺璫┼M駯爉ꯍ�駯爉龜襤᝱峏ݾထ殺涑璫ᝁ峏ݾထűࠀp￿￿űࠀűࠀ﫜㊂ឝ㢓疀ᑤ槅ű฀勤㢆疀捻ธ蕶ឝ﫨㢓疀ﯤ槄ű￿﫜￿￿﫦￿￿ﮠﯤ槄￿￿ﯮ槄￿￿õቌ痭돯峂臭漍痬űࠀ﫜￿￿ﯤ槄￿￿愈ベ痫:﫜￿￿ﯤ槄￿￿ቌ痭﬘뛿榿ࠄ﫜￿￿ﯤ槄뜓榿ﭵz�槄蓦ឝ숲Wאּࠄ쉇WValu﫜שּׁ蕶ឝﱜ﫜﫨ﰰ쌀Wﱜﲈ ﳸ鲄क़ "絬क़ﮀ늓峂ﮀ뛥@﷩ ﮠ䗧@ﭸ蔲@鱸क़ﱰ﯌ 뫩@ﮰ뮂@뮊@ﱰ﷩醖@缄វ缐វ嵭榾萪ឝᔇ榾缐វﯠ廼榾缄វ 萶ឝ嵥榾蒺ឝᙧ榾萶ឝﯸ 蓲ឝ嵭榾蕶ឝᙧ榾蓲ឝﰔㄫ痳蕶ឝﱔﰨ덳痱ﱔ ﱔﱬ蕶ឝﱴ靰Bﱜﳸﭬzﲈﲈ韈BﱴՐ˼誘̊ឝﱔ︜ﱜz︜z︄ﳸ


  • 文件大小 : 99.0 MB
  • 当前版本 : 1.3.17
  • 更新时间 :
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