Basketball Dynasty Manager 16

Basketball Dynasty Manager 16

厂商: Martin Incze

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This app has no adds or in app purchases. enjoy the full game. - Best For fans of basketball, NBA or management simulators. - Take control of your own sports team and chase victory. - Edit all players names and ratings and fully customise your experience. - Sign players, make trades, and watch your funds. - Pickup a star in the draft and change the way your players train and upgrade. - Upgrade facilities and invest in selling merchandise. - Sign Head coaches, Assistants to help develop your players, and scouts to find new talent. - Track players yearly stats, career highs, and much more. - Win MVP's, All Stars, Rookie of the year, etc. - Scout players from 3000 cities world wide.



DM16 Update now includes. - Resolves Pixel display issue from 2.1 - Other bug fixes - All updated rosters and player stats. - Inclusion of 70 upcoming rookies. - Switch between box scores and play by play mode. - Retract offer made to a player in free age䷬痬ἔ痭㨘痫缑痰畺쟐ෑӘŪෑĀ�痲峏痮Ѐ缐វ崿榾蓦ឝᓧ榾缐វ嗥槃廄榾怞ឝ蓲ឝ崿榾蓦ឝᓧ榾蓲ឝꛜ榿蓦ឝ챰槄㍎ឝ嶪榾˸槅ᕄ榾蓲ឝ˸槅秐榾㍎ឝ秚榾秩榾ﱔꭸ痶ӘŪ ӘŪ慌番ŧ쫨ෑ䕋痮隼畺쫨ෑӘŪ 쫨ෑĀ�痲쫨ෑ€ﱔ쫬ෑ€쵷痯쫬ෑꊠЍ쫬ෑ쪴痯쫬ෑ㎂ឝ﫬Item蕶ឝCountﱬffl쬜ෑ㼄෍쫬ෑ෍噪痯㼈෍勍䒷먲榿怞ឝ蕶ឝ�槄蓦ឝ෍謁ﱔ랖榿मﱜﭬz�槄蓦ឝ삲W蕶ឝᨼĊ醙ﱜ﫴섈Wﬔﱈ섫Wﬔﱜﭬz섪W섲WﱴﭔztЉ䱼Ѝᦡ痫Eo쟴ෑ㺬෍쟔ෑ噪痯㺰෍㊂ឝﱄ﷜ﱴﲔ敌榾㊂ឝ㺰෍iﱄ﷜ﱴ斚榾﷜㊂ឝ�槄ㇲឝ᥎槁㊂ឝi뱫峂痯뱿峂痯Љ䕄Ѝ￿￿痯Љ䔸Ѝ湠෤竗湠෤痯W竗賓器痯㎂ឝ痯瑉浥痯㎂ឝ痯潃湵t璲艩峛涑璫浑璫眤峃„듑爋樂$p￿￿￿￿泩璫涑璫涑璫ꚶ璱⡰￾￿浑璫ി璬듑爋◊[„ȗȼ„䲐ࣿ슈f൥璬듑爋◊[뻓峂뻛峂痯Љ䲈Ѝ￿￿痯Љ䱼Ѝ湠෤觴湠෤痯t觴﯈ﮜ痯ﱨ㊂ឝ痯潅f痉峃拺璫◊[„ȗȼ듑爋ꯍ�듑爋Ȱ璲艩峛涑璫浑璫禨峃„듑爋敖$p￿￿￿￿泩璫涑璫Ā圡㈁褐ꚶ璱⡰￾￿浑璫ി璬듑爋◊[„ȗȼ„䲐ࣿ슈f楜Q۲Ś䲐ࣿȗȼ識渭Q듑爋◊[۲Śȗȼ䲐ࣿ۲Ś爃G㵸̉爋G㵰̉۲Ś麘̅揋Q奈揢Q揪Q隸援Q۲Ś䲐ࣿ襤兆E„űࠀ◊[듑爋뛐ǎ뛐ǎű


  • 文件大小 : 45.4 MB
  • 当前版本 : 2.2
  • 更新时间 :
  • 厂商:



