Real Trophy Hunting

Real Trophy Hunting

厂商: Sunstorm Interactive

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Real Trophy Hunting is a HUGE hit! Over 500,000+ downloads and customers are LOVING this game! Also try Real Deer Hunting and Real Bird Hunting today!!! Real Trophy Hunting is an ultra-realistic hunting game where you experience the thrill of hunting the most prized big game animals of North America. Developed by the founders of the hunting game genre and the App Store hit Real Deer Hunting. Real Trophy Hunting requires skill, patience, and persistence as players find themselves in realistic locations, using all the tools of the trade to bring in and bag the most prized big game animals straight from the Rocky Mountains! Playing the game is an incredible experience that closely simulates real-life hunting where you’ll need the same techniques and feel the same thrills! Unmatched graphics and sounds, realistic animal behavior, rain, snow and wind effects will place you on location in the hunt of a lifetime. • Hunt the powerful and dangerous North American Grizzly Bear! • Use all your tracking skills to find the Elk herd and take home a priced Elk antler mount! • Call in the elusive and gigantic bull Moose, with antlers over 10 feet in length! • Take down a world-class Big Horn Sheep for your Trophy Room! • Photo realistic hunting scenes and location specific effects place you on location like never before! • Selection of weapons: 7mm Rifle, 300 Mag Rifle, 44 Magnum Pistol, and Compound Bow each outfitted with a scope ready for long range big game hunting! • Use specific animal calls to mimic real world behviors and attract the largest animal in the area. • Choose from 16 different hunt stands spread out over the rocky mountain west: Colorado, Utah, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming! • Binoculars with variable zoom and range finder to spot wandering big game animals. • Use your Camera to document every trip and share those photos with friends over email. • Hunting statistics to track progress and establish bragging rights! • Trophy room with 16 different big game trophies each in a unique mount position. • Brag about your trophies! Send the trophies to your friends over email – proof you are a skilled hunter! Visit us on the web at: And Follow up on Twitter at:



Fixed random application pauses Addressed application stability Fine tune joystick control Fine tune animal behaviors


  • 文件大小 : 26.4 MB
  • 当前版本 : 1.01
  • 更新时间 :
  • 厂商:



