Rhythmic Village

Rhythmic Village

厂商: Insignio Labs Lda

16354 人浏览 0 人参与讨论


Feel the rhythm in you! Have you ever tried to play drums but found out that reading sheet music wasn't your thing? Now that's over! In Rhythmic Village you'll discover the crazy and happy folks named “Rhythmiacs”. They literally got the beat in their blood! In this adventure you'll learn the basics of sheet music reading, play percussion instruments and improve your sense of rhythm. Use your device and start right away! Features - Game-based learning to introduce you to percussion instruments. - Amusing story with funny characters. - Rhythmic challenges made with background in music education. - Innovative learning system to learn rhythmic sheet reading. - A scoring system that adds repetition value to the game (maximize your score!). - Ready for classroom use. - App is part of the Oratio Classroom saga (Awarded School Project). - Playable in English, Portuguese (PT), and German languages.



  • 文件大小 : 461 MB
  • 当前版本 : 2.00.01
  • 更新时间 :
  • 厂商:



