明星之恋 - 时间魔法

明星之恋 - 时间魔法

厂商: Xuan Zhou

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高清3D無碼自拍手遊!! 大牌服飾自由搭配,秀出性感身段。 美容系統明星臉蛋,滋養水滑肌膚。 和影帝天后拍大片,去維多利亞走秀場! 明星之戀,2016女生專供!! - Change the face freely You are able to carve out the UNIQUE LOOKING as you wish! Not only to set the height, weight, bust,Waist, hips, but also the brow, eyes, nose, mouth. -Rich clothing - collocate preference costumes freely All choices of clothing accessories according to personal fondness, are free for collocation, including Students dress, Work clothes, Sexy girl, Up cool clothes. When the match is complete on your hands, a perfect show will be presented in front of the camera! With unlimited capacity of almirah, please test their own aesthetic. This is an opportunity never to be missed! -An interesting game with brilliant road of star Put on appropriate clothing, and take some pictures, intervie, Catwalk shows, you will make a movie! Don't miss a wonderful star life, in which fingertips record star road the whole process! -A variety of game result, Experience all sorts of star Hollywood superstar? Kung Fu star? Love action film protagonist、Bikini Girls、Ordinary people、—Different life, different stories, all up to you to write! There are more mysterious stories waiting for you to explore! -玩家點評 1、很有創意很難得的遊戲 ◆◆◆◆◆ 在滿街都是四處抄襲的環境中,這款遊戲真的讓人眼前一亮,有創意有情懷的東西是不會被埋沒的,加油啊! 2.Hello Obama ◆◆◆◆◆ I spent one hour in changing my appearance, and guess what? I became Obama, but in a girly version! 3、第一次見到可以整容的遊戲◆◆◆◆◆ 一進去捏了個美眉,跳起舞來很帶感,皮膚選了黑色。比較健康!第一見到這種遊戲,感覺很贊啊! 4、打通了!◆◆◆◆◆ 熬了兩個晚上,總算是打通了。還是忍不住買了七八件衣服,總共花了5刀! -媒體點評 鄭重向大家推薦這款遊戲! 遊戲劇情與畫面:◆◆◆◆◆ 遊戲劇情是從角色幫助了一隻流浪的小狗開始的,對於現實中也會時不時喂喂流浪貓狗的我來說真的是很有代入感,只可惜現實中沒有遊戲裡這樣會魔法的小狗能帶我走進演藝圈! 不得不提的是遊戲畫面十分精美,尤其角色本身的3D模型非常驚豔,玩家還可以自行設定角色的臉部和身材,大大的滿足了我對於遊戲精美畫面的要求。 遊戲操作與玩法:◆◆◆◆ 相比格鬥類遊戲對操作的高要求,這款遊戲在操作上更貼近日本的Gal Game,沒有太多複雜的按鍵,操作十分清晰明瞭。 【聯系我們/Contact Us】 Facebook:www.facebook.com/mystarslove/ 郵箱/Email:mingxing2016@qq.com Q群/QQ Group:457038802





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