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建造,合成,战斗!如果你我的世界,生存战争等喜欢高自由度的沙盒像素游戏,你必须试试这款! #游戏提供数个美轮美奂的地图供您探索 #游戏过程中会随机出现各种怪物,你必须拿起武器和他们战斗 #学习合成规则,在生存地图里学习和命运做斗争 如果你喜欢本游戏请给我们五星评分。如有问题请给我们发邮件。谢谢您的支持。 Your gold in FreeLand is fighting with zombies and monsters in different amazing worlds. You can also build anything you want with infinite blocks/tools. If you’re a fan of Minecraft, survivalcraft, you should try this one. Here’s some notes for you: 1. Get anything you want from the inventory: weapons, food and block to build your house, etc. 2. Monsters and zombies will spawn around you when they’re ready. They’ll kill you with no hesitate, I promise. 3. Use torches or sleep at a bed at night will save your life 4. Use your swords and any weapons to fight with those creatures!! BE A MAN!! Good Luck!! If you want to play online, you can check out our another app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cubeland-3d-free-sandbox-multiplayer/id1116587179?ls=1&mt=8 Rate us if you like this app. Send us email if you have any questions or suggestions! Thank you for anyone is with us!