Groove Coaster

Groove Coaster

厂商: TAITO Corporation

16822 人浏览 0 人参与讨论


Named Best Music Game at the 2011 Best App Ever Awards! ---------------------------------- 音乐游戏×过山车!? 曾获得多项国内外大奖, 《太空入侵者 无限基因(SPACE INVADERS INFINITY GENE) 》游戏制作人・石田礼辅的最新力作! 超新颖的新一代音乐游戏登场! 配合音乐节奏来舞动您的手指! 只需一根手指就能轻松操作,享受如同过山车般惊心动魄的兴奋感受! 游戏中可进行升级!还有增加新角色等吸引玩家的丰富游戏要素! 根据游戏可进行各种变化,还可以创造能不断成长的原创关卡! 制造只属于您的关卡,在朋友面前展示您的风采吧! 来,大家一起来玩音乐游戏吧!! ---------------------------------- The game that's taken the world by storm!! ---------------------------------- Gorgeous, challenging and thrillingly different, Groove Coaster is a treat for the eyes, the ears, and the soul. -Pocket Gamer, Gold Award You need to play Groove Coaster. Period. -IGN, 9.5 Rating - Amazing, Editor's Choice Groove Coaster is one of the most beautiful combinations of music and gaming I've experienced on the iPhone... -Kotaku, Gaming App of the Day Award The Best Rhythm Game On The iPhone Or iPad -MTV Multiplayer Ranked #5 on IGN's list of the Top 25 iPhone Games! Slide To Play's Game of the Month! Apple's iPhone Game of the Week! ---------------------------------- Language: English Français Italiano 日本語 Platform: iPhone 3GS / iPhone 4, 4S / iPhone 5 / 3rd, 4th generation iPod touch / iPad / iPad2 / New iPad ** iPhone OS 4.2 or higher is required to play GROOVE COASTER. ---------------------------------- *Advice for players unsure how to proceed to the second stage* Immediately after the first stage is successfully completed, a tutorial is displayed. Follow the tutorial instructions to proceed: 1. Touch the icon for stage 2, Play merrily. 2. Touch the location indicated by the hand-shaped icon, at the bottom of the screen. 3. As the hand-shaped icon directs, drag your finger from right to left to change the Avatar in use. 4. Tap the hand-shaped icon to confirm your choice. You are now able to play the second stage. No extra charge is required to play the second and subsequent stages. ----------------------------------



Groove Coaster End of Service Notice (Sep.30) Thank you for playing Groove Coaster. As of Sep.30, 2017, service for Groove Coaster will end. With the end of service, the title and its related items will no longer be available for purchase. After Sep.30璬䷬痬ἔ痭㨘痫缑痰畺ꨀҧӘŪҧð�痲峏痮Ѐ缐វ崿榾蓦ឝᓧ榾缐វ嗥槃廄榾怞ឝ蓲ឝ崿榾蓦ឝᓧ榾蓲ឝꛜ榿蓦ឝ챰槄㍎ឝ嶪榾˸槅ᕄ榾蓲ឝ˸槅秐榾㍎ឝ秚榾秩榾ﱔꭸ痶ӘŪ ӘŪ慌番ŧ෶䕋痮隼畺෶ӘŪ ෶Ā�痲෶€ﱔ෶€쵷痯෶ꊠЍ෶쪴痯෶㎂ឝ﫬Item蕶ឝCountﱬffl෶㼄෍෶෍噪痯㼈෍勍䒷먲榿怞ឝ蕶ឝ�槄蓦ឝ෍謁ﱔ랖榿њﱜﭬz�槄蓦ឝ


  • 文件大小 : 162 MB
  • 当前版本 : 2.0.4
  • 更新时间 :
  • 厂商:



